Project Conventions
This document outlines basic code styling conventions to be followed by all developers of this project.
- We will use the standard naming conventions for React projects
- Uppercase names are reserved only for the export function in the component.
- Also, the export function’s name should match the file name.
- Lowercase names are used for functions and variables within the function component.
All uppercase names (NUMBERS, STRING) are used for constant values and are defined outside the scope of the
function component
Try to use longer and more descriptive names to enhance readability of code. Try to avoid variables like:
const (t, setT) = useState([]);
and instead use:
const (screenPositions, setScreenPositions) = useState([]);
Avoid leaving numbers in formulas (avoid creating Magic numbers); it makes it hard to read and understand code.
Instead of:
var speed = currentPosition * 0.678;
Do this:
var speedCoefficient = 0.678;
var speed = currentPosition * speedCoefficient;
Code Style
All code pushed to the main branch will be linted via ESLint - ESLint follows the JavaScript Standard Style which
can be found here.